Monday, January 30, 2017

Factory Goofs + No Self Control

About a week ago I ordered a SM American Pharoah direct from Breyer. I needed a bit of retail therapy but couldn't be bothered to get one at our local tack shop... so direct it was.

He came in the mail this morning and as I took him out of the box, I thought that he looked quite glossy... but passed it off as the plastic from his blister pack. In general Emma style, I completely destroyed the package.

I had a small heart attack when I saw him. GLOSSY!!!!

He isn't sticky, no weird texture... his gloss is identical to an intentionally glossed model.

Different lighting.

I'm pretty sure he's just a factory goof who wasn't matte sprayed before he left the factory. But still super cool!

Another model I need to show off is my new Moxie resin. She was sculpted by Sarah Rose and painted by Austin deSheilds.

She's unfortunately super hard to photograph... I apologize for the bad photos!

Her face is just <3

I keep telling myself no more minis... but I couldn't resist!

She's really lovely. I just haven't come up with a name for her. She's shown under the name Tautology... but I might change it.

Again... I apologize for the lack of posts. I post everyday on my Instagram, @emmasmodelhorses. (we are so close to 900 followers I can't even.) I've also started Breyerfest prep, and along with school that takes up a ton of time. Stay tuned!

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