Friday, November 18, 2016

Things Model Horse People Say

I had way to much fun making this post. Thanks to everyone from Blab for helping me come up with these! :D I also included some unseen show photos to break up the space a bit. Enjoy!

"Can't talk now, I'm soaking a horse in oven cleaner" -Ghost_Wolf_Ranch

"Don't forget to strip the body before dismembering it." -JuliaCodeMan

"Anything that includes the CHIN" -Mary

"FSOT for ARs: CM RRH MOW NAN'd" -Dizzyriss

"Go ahead and chop his head off. It'll make you feel better. ---- said to me when I was reluctant to customize an SM." -Brenda

"I'll be bringing my body bag." -SylvanTrails

"All that work and I still had to cut off that foal's leg because it was longer than the other one..."  -EvieJean

"That's the most unrealistic horse color I've seen yet!" with this being said while driving past a *real* horse -Aidan's Toy Trove

"Looks like a Stone horse," while looking at a picture of a real but very unusual pinto/appy/roan horse. -DooWiki

Heard on Haynet once - from Sue Stewart - "Oh, that's my Heart of Darkness!" AIR, the mailman she said that to was v. disturbed -Tinngg

"I've got to call my dealer and see if he has any of the new stuff in yet." That one made one of my non-hobby friends raise their eyebrows hahaha, that and anything that has to do with "bodies." "Body box" in particular lol -pennylanestables

"Hey showers! I'm knocking down horses that have dust on them!" -Mary

"I've got bodies stashed everywhere" -Tinngg

"I lost a box of 8 humans"!! -Sparkle Susan

"Now where am I going to put you??" -Drenarrow

Fish scale or chainlink "crapples." Which...makes me think of roadapples. XD -LupineLeighs

"This post about our Kuchis." -Night Elf

If you don't stop falling over I'm going to chop someone's leg off! -Whysome

"Can I have that wrapped and bagged?" The CHIN is one of the few places where you might get looked at with anything from panic to a dirty look for wanting your purchases bagged! It's also one of the few places where someone yelling "free bubble wrap!" is likely to get swarmed and trampled! -Truson

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