Sunday, October 9, 2016

Some Random Photography Tips

I was really inspired by a recent (real) horse show I watched to take some more photos and thought I'd share some of my tips. Posts like this really helped me when I first got started and I want to pass that on!

Obviously, this isn't the only way to take photos and everyone takes them differently, so develop your own style. This is the way I like to edit and take my photos.

Today was the first time I set up an indoor arena diorama. First I tried it inside, but even with editing it pretty heavily changes I wasn't happy with it.

It just seemed a bit too dark to me.

So I moved the whole setup outside!

It's a really simple thing, just a lid with some Brookstone Sand and scrapbook paper as a background.

One note on the sand; make sure it's not smooth! Unleash your inner six-year-old and 'gallop' a horse around in different directions to create a nice effect. This makes it look like the arena has been used.

Anyway, I think moving the whole thing outside was a good idea. It's still not perfect but I think it turned out nice! Don't hesitate to change things if you aren't happy with them.

I also took photos of my Picasso and one of the people trying to lunge him.

That reminds me of another tip; give your people some movement! In the bottom photo, the guy is stiff and just standing normally; he looks like a doll. In the top photo, he is is moving and looks much more natural.

Another thing is to never be afraid of editing. I normally just use iPhoto for my basic edits but Picmonkey and Photoshop are also great.

I used my Chanel to look like she is refusing a jump. The edits, while not huge, made a big difference!

Just straightening out the wall, darkening the photo, and defining it more made it look much better.

The last tip I have is to have fun, and don't force yourself to take photos if you don't want too! If you aren't enjoying yourself, it will be clear in your final result.

Hopefully you all enjoyed and learned some things, or were inspired to go take photos! You don't need a fancy camera, some of the best photos I've seen were done with an iphone!

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